Professional expertise and uncompromising integrity – Two of our guiding values when we honor the commitments to our clients and their business! We are here to offer complete accounting and payroll services, tax services, business consulting, and assistance with any type of tax control, including VAT refunds.


We provide important financial information that reflects the current situation of the client’s company and its economic and financial results.
We deal with one of the most important tools of the company – the payroll and the statements – which influence the efficiency of the whole company.
We offer audit and financial analysis services and propose tax optimization solutions for sustainable development and the identification of financial opportunities.
Through the balance sheets and fiscal statements, we make the financial situation of the client’s company as clear as possible so that it can properly manage its resources.


Accounting Services

Accounting records, i.e., the recording of primary supporting documents of the client.

Specialized Payroll Services

Preparing payroll statements, preparing and submitting Form 112 on salary obligations.

Tax Return Services

Preparing and submitting monthly/quarterly/annual tax returns and the necessary assistance/consultancy.

Balance Sheet Services

Preparing and submitting half-yearly and annual Balance Sheets, assistance for the clients with their own financial-accounting department.

Complete ITM Revisal Services and assistance

Services for the company registration with ITM, including REVISAL, recording and submitting employment contracts, addenda, termination of contracts, etc.

Consultancy in closing the trial balance

Accounting consultancy, including monthly/quarterly assistance in closing the trial balance for the clients with their own accounting department.

Tax consultancy on VAT, fees, and other related taxes

Tax consultancy on VAT, fees, and taxes related to salaries, including assistance in calculating fees payable to the State Budget, preparing tax returns, and optimization solutions.

Fiscal consultancy and assistance during the tax audit

Fiscal assistance during tax audits and VAT refunds assistance (preparing the documentation, assistance during the tax audit, consultancy, and client representation during the tax audit).


IB CONSULTANTA SI CONTABILITATE is a financial and accounting company established in 2003.
The company is a member of the Romanian professional bodies (CECCAR, CCF, CAFR).

With a multidisciplinary team, we provide a wide range of accounting services to Romanian and to foreign companies doing business in Romania,

Competence, transparency, high availability, openness, client focus, confidentiality, and teamwork are just a part of our core values that lead to trustworthy relations between IB CONSULTANTA SI CONTABILITATE and its clients.


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“In the business world,

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“In the business world,

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